Step 1: Submit Your Email to Create an Account

Create a PSC Participant Profile to access Peer Support Canada programming, including the certification program. To keep your information secure, we’ve implemented a two-step registration system.

Enter your email below. After clicking “verify your email” please check your inbox for an email from [email protected], and click the link in this email to verify your account. Once you verify your account, you will be asked to provide some additional demographic information to complete your account creation.

We recommend using your personal email account, so that you are able to access your PSC profile if you are no longer working with your current employer. This is the email that you will need to use to login to your PSC Participant Profile.

Step 2: Registration Completion

Once you have successfully verified your email address, you will be directed to the registration completion page. Here, you will need to provide additional demographic information to complete your profile.
During this step, we encourage you to review the terms and conditions and privacy policy, as they outline the guidelines for using our platform and how we protect your data. Your agreement to these policies is essential for completing the registration process.
After completing these two steps (verifying your email address and completing your profile), you will gain full access to the PSC Portal where users can access certification and future organizational programming.

Should you encounter any issues or have any questions along the way, our support team is here to assist you.

Thank you for choosing to register with us. We are excited to have you as part of our community!